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Financial Accounting: Entity Concept

Financial Accounting: Entity Concept

The entity concept is one of the central tenets of accounting. An understanding of the same is therefore of paramount importance to students. However, the entity concept came as a solution to a problem faced by earlier accountants. To understand the benefits of the solution provided, we must look at the problem first.

Confusion in Measurement

In reality a business is just another aspect of a person’s life. When many people get together and start a business, it is their collective effort. However, this can cause confusion for the accountants. Imagine accounting for personal and business expenses together. The accountants would never be able to come to an accurate picture of profits.

Separation of Concerns

To solve this problem, accountants created the entity concept. This was the separation of personal and professional concerns of the entrepreneur. For the purpose of accounting, the business is considered to be an entity which is independent and separate from its entrepreneur.

Legal Status Irrelevant

The separation of concerns in accounting is irrespective of the legal status of the organization. In real life, some forms of organizations like private limited and public limited companies are considered to be separate entities whereas other forms like partnerships and sole proprietorships are considered to be part of the owner’s entity. Accounting does not make this distinction.


The entity concept may seem to be a frivolous and obvious assumption of accounting. However, the implications that thus assumption creates is both start and counterintuitive. Here is a look at the implications.
  • Capital Appears as Liability: In everyday usage we consider the word liability with a negative connotation. On the other hand, we consider capital with a positive connotation. If you ask a layman whether capital should be considered a liability, they would surely say “No”. However, that is exactly what needs to be done. In accounting, capital always appears under the liabilities, when the balance sheet is prepared. This is because of the entity concept.
    The entity concept considers the company separate from its owners. Thus, capital is money that owners have lent to the company. This is why it appears on the liabilities side of the company’s financial statements. If you prepare the owners personal financial statements, the same capital will appear as his asset.
  • Profit Appears as Liability: Profit is nothing but an increase in capital. Therefore keeping in line with the entity concept, profit is also accounted for as a liability.

Different Types of Entities in a Business

Businesses may all look the same when you look at the building in which they operate, the employees they hire and the product they sell. However, they can be very different when it comes to their legal structure. The legal structure determines the type of entity they are which in turn determines the rules that will be applied to them. Here is a list of the types of entities and their relevance to accounting.

Sole Proprietorship

Sole Proprietorship is when there is one owner of the business. The owner does not need to register his firm with the government. The proprietor has unlimited liability. The proprietor can withdraw funds from the organization at will. This is called drawings. The proprietor need not seek anybody’s permission before making such withdrawals.


Partnership is when there are multiple owners of a business. The partners may have a equal share of profit or loss or as decided amongst them. Partners in profits only are also legally allowed. The partners too have joint unlimited liability. Their withdrawals from the firm are however controlled. They can withdraw money only to the extent decided in the partnership agreement. If they require more than the above amount, they may be required to attain explicit consent of the other partners.


Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a type of entity which exists in India only. It has a head of the business called the “karta” who has decision making powers and unlimited liability. In a HUF, the rules for the functioning of the organization are laid down by the “Karta”. These rules include rules on drawings.

Joint Venture

Joint Venture is when two organizations come together for a specific purpose. It is like a partnership, except for the fact that it is meant to achieve a common purpose after which the parties to the joint venture proceed their own way.


The most common type of organizations today is corporations. This is because corporations have limited liability. This feature helps their owners separate the ownership and management of the business. There are two types of corporations:
  • Private Limited Corporation: A private limited corporation may not be required to disclose its information to outside parties.
  • Public Limited Corporation: A public limited company solicits money and other resources from the general public and hence results pertaining to its performance must be made public.
Apart from the following there are co-operative organizations, not for profit organizations etc. They too are different types of entities. The type of entity has a profound effect on the accounting system of the organization.

Different Types of Accounts in a Business

The entity concept separates the concerns of the owners from the business. An extension of the same concept is the concept of accounts which splits up the business’s affairs further. The account concept becomes clearer once the double entry system of accounting is explained. That is done at a later stage in the tutorial.

Transactions within the Firm

The firm conducts transactions with outside parties and the accounting system is capable of keeping a track of the same. However there are many transaction that are internal to the firm. For instance when a company undertakes production, it converts raw material into finished products. This transaction is internal to the firm but has a material effect. If the firm were considered as one unit, it would be impossible to account for the transaction as the same party cannot be on both sides of the transaction.

Entity Split Up into Accounts

An appropriate analogy to draw would be that of the human body. The business is the complete entity i.e. the body. Accounts on the other hand are like lungs, kidneys, heart etc. They are like the vital organs that are constituent parts of the entity. They have their own independent existence. However, it is the relationship between these accounts that is of prime importance. That is why it is called the accounting system.

Types of Accounts

All accounts within the organization can be split into three types. An account can be of one and only one of the following type and not more. Here are the various types of accounts.
  • Personal: Personal accounts make most intuitive sense. We keep a track of all the transactions that we have undertaken with a particular person in them. We all maintain personal accounts like the money we owe our friends, the grocer and so on.
  • Real: Real accounts are accounts which have been created to account for tangible things. Accounts such as land and building, machinery a/c etc are called real accounts. Although they are not living beings, we still transact with such entities. Records of such transactions are kept in real accounts.
  • Nominal: Nominal accounts are a special category of accounts. While the other accounts can hold balance and carry it forward, nominal account are automatically reset to zero as soon as the time period is over. Their balance is carried forward to other accounts and the books for that period are closed. Examples of such accounts are Profit a/c, depreciation a/c etc.

Financial Accounting: Entity Concept Financial Accounting: Entity Concept Reviewed by Admin on May 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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